Canada HR News

October 28, 2024

Elena Bobyreva, MBA, CPHR

In this episode: terminations of CRA employees for inappropriately receiving the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) during the COVID-19 pandemic, social media trends that negatively affect employee productivity, workplace news from Iceland and France,  ideas on celebrating Halloween in the workplace and other topics.

Follow us on: X @cadHRnews; LinkedIn @ Canada HR News Podcast to get the latest HR updates.

  1. More than 300 employees of the Canada Revenue Agency were terminated in the past year for inappropriately receiving the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) during the COVID-19 pandemic | CRA says 330 employees fired for inappropriately claiming CERB - National | 
  2. Canadian companies are concerned about the impact social media trends like “Lazy Girl Jobs” and “Bare Minimum Mondays" | Social Media Trends like “Bare Minimum Mondays” and “Lazy Girl Jobs” Worry Canadian Companies | EEP CA Corporate 
  3. Retiring early hurts financial resiliency | Retiring early hurts financial resiliency, Manulife survey shows 
  4. Iceland’s economy is outperforming most European countries after the nationwide introduction of a shorter working week with no loss in pay | Iceland embraced a shorter work week. Here’s how it turned out | CNN Business 
  5. In France, many young professionals are embracing a new hybrid lifestyle that blends urban jobs with part-time farming | The hybrid workers in France seeking fulfilment in the fields 
  6. Ideas to celebrate Halloween with coworkers | 15 Ideas To Celebrate Halloween in the Workplace | 

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